As commercial roofing contractors with decades of experience, Fort-Cica Roofing & General Contractors, Inc. in Bronx, NY, understands that the long-term performance of a roof depends upon meeting the unique needs of every project. Our skilled professionals have the practical field knowledge to ensure that your roof stands the test of time. From initial consultation to customized solutions, we will provide you with unparalleled roofing expertise and customer service. As single-source providers for all commercial roofing and waterproofing needs, we can take your project from concept to completion.
A built-up roofing system consists of multiple plies of roof felts that are laminated together with bitumen. Built-up roof material can consist of bitumen-saturated felt, coated felt, or polyester felt of other fabrics. A surfacing is generally applied and can be asphalt, aggregate (gravel or slag), emulsion or a granule-surfaced cap sheet. There are two basic types of Built-up roofs: Asphalt and Coal tar. There are three basic components of built-up roofs: waterproofing, reinforcing and surfacing.
Cold process built-up roofing systems use coated or uncoated polyester reinforcements, or composite (polyester/fiberglass) reinforcements, in conjunction with either solvent-borne or waterborne adhesives. Cold process built-up roofing systems are available as complete systems or as repair system for new construction or re-roofing, and they are available in a variety of constructions to meet all budgets.
Torch down roofing is a type of roofing material that has been designed for low-angle or flat roofs. The product gets its name from the method of application used to install and adhere it to a building’s structure. If installed correctly, torch down roofing can last a very long time. Two-layer systems tend to last around 15 years while three-layer torch down roofing can last 20 years or longer.
Hot asphalt (bitumen) is the bonding and waterproofing agent between layers. BUR is suitable for most low slope roofing applications. The higher the quality of the BUR materials and asphalt used and the greater the number of plies (and separate asphalt moppings), the more superior the roofing system.
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) is a single-ply membrane consisting of synthetic rubber; usually 45, 60 or 90 mils. Application can be ballasted, fully adhered, or mechanically attached.
The popularity pf metal roofing systems is increasing everywhere due to its many positive attributes. Available systems come in a variety of colors and metals.
Applied to all types of roof substrates, liquid applied roofing systems is a monolithic membrane, applied either as a reinforced or non-reinforced system. Fort-Cica Roofing & General Contractors, Inc. specializes in the installation of Kemper Roofing Systems and Siplast.
Hot fluid applied roofing systems is a method of waterproofing roofs with an application of a hot rubberized roofing membrane which creates a monolithic membrane.
Green roofing systems are vegetated roof covers that take the place of bare membrane, gravel, shingles or tiles. There are many variances of green roof types, but all green roofs include at least a single to multi-ply waterproofing layer, drainage, growing media and plants.
For more information about our commercial roofing services, or to schedule a free estimate, call us at 718-585-9188.